Monday, January 25, 2010

Remembering the first time National Bravery Award for stopping Child Marriage was given

On the occasion of India's 61st Republic Day, HAQ is proud to remember that in 2003, HAQ had for the first time taken the initiative encourage Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) to recognise children intervening to stop 'Child Marriage' as an act of bravery worthy of National Bravery Award. Since then, it is every wondeful to see that each year children are given bravery awards for stoppin child marriages.

Bharti Ali, co-director of HAQ and National Convener of Campaign against Child Trafficking (CACT), had taken a strong initiative to ensure that 5 girls from a school in Karnal were recognised for their extreme act of bravery for bringing to notice and thus stopping the marraige of their classmate with the support of their teacher.

Below mentioned links could be visted for further details, on the 2003 National Bravery Awards given to the 5 girls:

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